At the beach in 1947

Arcadia Durán born about 1890 and lived in Zacatecoluca, La Paz, El Salvador. She had a sister named Mercedes and two brothers Manuel and Diego.
Arcadia's first child with Virgilio (local hammock maker) was Maria Eufemia (Fema) Durán born in 1910, and then Rosa was born in 1914.
Rosa and Fema were raised by their mother Arcadia and their beloved Tia Mercedes. Mercedes is said to have a different last name - Calero.
Arcadia died in the 1940s and Tia Mercedes died in the 1980s from natural causes believed to have been 108 years old.
A brief part of Arcadia's life is documented in the biography of John Paul Wainwright, Lealtad y Rebeldía: La vida de Juan Pablo Wainwright by Rina Villars. Wainwright was Eufemia's partner and the father of her two girls.
Father: Unknown
Mother: Gertrudis Durán (about 1865)